
Wiener Schnitzel

Schnitzel is a traditional Austrian dish, easy to make but overall very delicious. I used thin slices of beef, ussually it consists of thin slices of veal, but often people use pork too.
First you coat the meat with flour, then dip it in egg ( that was beat before, salt and pepper added) and the last step I coated with breadcrums, breadcrums that were mixed with herbs before.

I fried the slices in oil, it needs about a minute or a minute and a half on each side because the meat it isvery very thin, I changed the oil about 3 times along the way, because the flour tends to burn and then it tastes bitter and I had about 11 slices to fry and I didnt wanna use the same oil more than twice.
I served the schnitzel with boiled potatoes coated in butter and parsley and steamed asparagus and baby carrots.For the asparagus it needs to steam for about 4-5 minutes, you need a normal sized skillet , add the asparagus , a glass of water, a big nob of butter and salt, medium heat you bring it to boil , cover the skillet and let it steam for 5 minutes.


  1. snitelele sunt un fel de mancare care noua ne place foarte mult.de curand am aflat o reteta foarte buna care merge din orice carne.incearca si tu,pentru ca n-o sa-ti para rau.uite iti pun aici adresa ei de pe blogul meu :http://panseluta-violet.blogspot.com/2010/02/snitzelul-gabrielei-cu-ierburi-si-sos.html

  2. mersi mult de tot... arata superb, am sa incerc si eu !

  3. kristinico draga mea,te asteapta un premiu virtual,de fapt 2 ,pe bloguletul meu .daca iti face placere sa le primesti,esti invitata de onoare !!!

  4. nu toata lumea stie limbi straine, de ce nu le si traduci??
